At TheCodingMachine, we are using open-source tools daily to build our projects. Whether it is Linux, PHP, Javascript, Docker, Apache, MySQL or any of the great PHP and JS frameworks, our complete technical stack is open-source.

And since we and our clients are ripping huge benefits from these open-source products, we also try to "give back" to the open-source community.

From the very first days of TheCodingMachine, we decided that any piece of code that can be reused in multiple projects should be open-sourced. This eventually led us to writing a huge number of open-source packages (200+). Of course, not all of these packages are state-of-the-art, but we are pretty happy with a number of those. This page is here to present them.

Also, open-source is not only about sharing our packages, but also about contributing back to packages from other developers we use. As soon as we see an opportunity, we do our best to submit pull-requests to existing projects in order to improve those. And we also provide financial support to some OSS projects we love!

Finally, after gaining some experience with many PHP frameworks, we are proud to participate in the PHP-FIG to improve interoperability between PHP frameworks.

Some of our packages


THE DATABASE MACHINE (TDBM) is an ORM: a PHP library designed to ease your access to your database. It is opiniated and resolutely "database-first". TDBM undestands your data model and generates PHP objects to access it easily.


Mouf is a very special dependency injection library that comes with a web-based user interface. We are strong believers that a developer empowered with a nice high-level user interface can be tremendously efficient.


Kickoff Docker PHP is a development stack aimed to starting kickly new projects using Docker and PHP. It provides a modern development environment with a sensible default configuration.


PSR-11 is the PHP standard for interoperability between dependency injection containers.
David NĂ©grier (our CTO) is proud to have acted as co-editor of this standard that helps some PHP packages to be more framework agnostic.
PSR-11 is now used in all major PHP frameworks.

NodeJS installer

As NodeJS becomes more and more used on the front stack, PHP developers need a way to get NodeJS reliably on their project. NodeJS-installer is an installer that will download NodeJS and NPM and install them in your Composer dependencies. Installation is skipped if NodeJS is already available on your machine.

Universal service providers

This project tries to find a solution for cross-framework modules (aka bundles) through standard container configuration. It is part of the container-interop group and we are glad to contribute to it. It will hopefully soon become a PSR!